WOW! Excellent! This is for sure a must watch movie this year and one of the greatest movie all time.Congratulations to James Cameron.You really did a great job.Well done.Sorry korang lambat pulak nak review about this amazing movie.Avatar.Actually, I went to the cinema last Monday and watch Avatar with my friends.I was so thankful because I got a really nice seat sebab orang ramai bagai nak rak nak tengok Avatar.I dapat seat yang strategik.Tengah-tengah.And selesa sangat for this long hour movie.Well, Avatar is one of the movie I have been waitin'.And yes it did not menghampakan aku ok.Love it so much.Such a creative movie.I think if tengok 3D mesti macam sangat cantik.Because the graphic was so damn beautiful.Takkan graphic designer murahan kot yang buat? Haha.Overall, please readers go and watch Avatar.I'm sure you guys will love it.
Avatar adalah lakonan Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana and Stephen Lang.Sam Worthington is so cool.His lakonan is ok and sesuai sangat dengan watak.Very patient and kuat semangat.Hurm, I'm not sure about lakonan Zoe Saldana.Sebab I'm not sure is it she really really acting as the Na'zi or just lending the voice? So no comment about her acting.Haha.Avatar is about story on a moon called Pandora with alien characters which known as Na'vi, that could have belonged to human race.The Na'vi are those yang with a longer face, sharper features, blue body, white fluorescent marks on the face and tail at the back.In a short word 'very ugly'.Haha.Pelik.This movie is taken on 2145, if I'm not mistaken.So zaman pada masa depan.Oh wow the Pandora world are awesome.Lots of new creatures, flaura and fauna! Semua weird, tak wujud and cantik! Oh I wish I can visit the Pandora in the future.Ok I was thinking, how great is James Cameron's brain? He is so fucking creative.Dia boleh fikir and cipta all this weird things yang kita tak pernah fikir.


This movie came out with something different.People always think and discuss about the past war.Like World War 2 or Jepun tawan Tanah Melayu.But this movie discuss the war yang akan datang.In future.Siapa akan tahu that our land ini akan selamat for ever? Our earth akan sentiasa aman? So this movie come out with war between humans and alien.I never think of this at all.The Na'zi adalah macam orang asli.Tinggal kat hutan yang weird.They don't want any modern things influence them, any education or any help form the humans.The humans that time sangat 'jahil'.They want to menakluki the Na'zi and ambil their tanah.But the Na'zi tak nak semua itu.They want to keep stay in the forest.And yet kekalkan cara hidup diaorang.So the army, perkenalkan Sam Worthington and changed him to one of the Na'zi.The changing procedure can be use using this one machine.and the human body will automatically tukar jadi Na'zi.and when nak jadi manusia balik just press the button.Mixing human and Na'vi DNA, creatures who look like the Na'vi can be manipulated by scientists linked to their own avatar.The reason the army doing this, untuk Sam Worthington pengaruh the Na'zi supaya dengar cakap humans.and sambil tu belajar the Na'zi cultures.
Sam Worthington learned a lot.and even he managed to become the 'real man' in Na'zi cultures.Where he have to pass a lot of exams macam naik so-call-kuda, panjat the bukit tergantung tu and fly with the big bird.The animals in this movie sangat ganas! Oh takut.but you have to pandai jinak the animals.Huhu.Zoe Saldana as the most prettiest Na'zi taught Sam Worthington.She always gave him supports and ajar the Na'zi cultures.So as expected.Lama kelamaan, both of them fall in love.So, Sam Worthington punya niat dah berubah.Nak pertahankan Na'zi and kiranya dah berpaling tadah with his original niat with the army and humans.So when the head of army tu dapat tahu, he arah all his army and serang and musnahkan tempat suci Na'zi.This is the most sad part.Its like the humans didn't care about their needs.All the places in Pandora musnah and terbakar.As the ultimate showdown approaches, Jake's forced to take sides. The battle over the tree and the fight for the survival of the Na'vis' way of life dominates the last 40 minutes.
Luckily, Sam Worthington and the Na'zi dapat bantuan from the animals.The all big and fierce animals datang and musnah all the humans! and the battle won by the Na'zi.and lastly, Sam Worthington changed himself as the Na'vi forever.and live happily ever after.I memang terkejut with this movie.Sangat hebat.The graphics are extraordinary, and the story, although a form of it's been done hundreds of times before was compelling enough to make you forget you're watching completely made up creatures on a planet that doesn't exist.Avatar is the event film of 2009.I didn't expect to ever say this but...here it comes...Avatar is my FIRST favorite movie of 2009.
Aku give this movie 5/5 only.
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