Hai korang... its been a long time rasanya aku tak menulis dalam blog aku ni. Maaf ek korang sebab aku memang kebelakangan ni agak sibuk dengan urusan kerja. Apa boleh buat, dah menjadi tanggungjawab untuk melaksanakan tugas.
Actually, i'm really in the bad mood conditioned. I tried to satisfied people around me but there must be something go wrong. Indeed, i'm not a perfect person who can be claim as a superhero likes Cicakman, Superman, Batman and whatsoever la, but the thing is i'm such a BIG LOSESR!!!!!!!!
For this time being, aku memang bersyukur sebab aku memperoleh pekerjaan walaupun dah nak masuk 2 tahun aku bergraduasi.Banyak perkara sebenarnya telah aku tempuh dalam menjalani kehidupan selepas tidak lagi begelar seorang pelajar. Cabaran hidup sudah pastinya lebih getir daripada sebelumnya.. Until one moment, i felt like it's the end of my life!! Done!!!!
But how can i generate my life been sh** like this?? What am i suppose to do? From now on, my life begin harder and more harder. Seriously, it's so complicated. I need some air so that i can breathe easily. Aku seolah-olah macam dah hilang fokus dan sering hilang pertimbangan. Yes!!! Of course!!! All people in the world can't avoid to do mistake but if they still do the same mistake?? Can you imagine that?
Have you ever WISH something to God?? or maybe to yourself?? I'm sure mesti la ada kan?? Hajat aku cuma satu.. Biarlah hajat tersebut hanya terus menjadi hajat...
For some reasons, i could'nt explain here. It will create lots of assume. But somehow, aku kena tabah menghadapi segala musibah.
sila menjadi seorang yg tabah.. :)
ReplyDeletemasalah untuk dihadapi, dilalui dan dinikmati..bukan untuk di elak.. ;)
thanks a lot missSenget for your kind advice!!
ReplyDeletereally appreciate it :-)