Current Building
Hello... regarding to the title above, it might be sure that u all semua mesti terfikir apa yang nak ditransfer kan? Orait, frankly, juz need to share with all of u guyz out there, my company will be transfer to a new building. Sounds like uuuuewww but totally hate it! I juz a freshie in these company/building but then we have to tarnsfer due to the several concrite reasons.
FYI, my current office is located in Kompleks Dayabumi Level 29. However, we'll be transfer to Menara UOA Bangsar Level 19. I wondering, is there any places for us to take our lunch for the reasonable price hehehehehe.. Well what do you expect? Bangsar is known as a place of high-class. Kering la poket aku nanti wawawawawa!!! A part from that, i asking to myself wheter is it easy for me to get to the office on time?? Gosh!!!! Currently, i stay in Puchong and can you imagine the distance, plus the traffic jam and whatsoever huhhuhhuhu...
My department will be transfer on 19 November. During that that, we'll be so busy like hell yeah!!! Nak kena angkat tu la, packing ni la aiyaakkkkssss!!! Turn me on please!! But, the best part is we'll be provide 2 t-shirt for each of us lalalalala...
Ok la.. time is running out fellas!! Got to go... Several things got to be clear. Hope we'll see for the next entry la ek..

Future Building
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