Leverage might after a first show look like a series replica of Oceans Eleven with even the same generic music attached to some scenes, it fares deeper into a storyline you might expect being left on the cutting room floor of that same movie. Revenge being a large element of the series and changing plots, schemes and situations putting a viewer on the wrong foot this show delivers what all the polish and high-speed actors in forenamed picture couldn't actually deliver: credibility!
Many TV fans were loving a show like Thief (2006) but for the big audience that's called TV this is too grimy and realistic. Don't expect somebody to get actually hurt in "Leverage". The grimy and therefor risky aspect of the show has been rooted out carefully and in comes a storyline that could have been a "A-team" episode. Maybe halfway the season Colonel Decker will start chasing the headliners of this show but until then it's a risk-free show that won't be canceled.
Agreed, whoever thought of this format was far from a genius (the genius invented "Thief 2006") but he'll have a job for that much longer mixing Oceans Eleven, Thief and the A-team together in a show that doesn't offend, hurt, kill or mame people and yet stays funny and interesting to watch.
Leverage is a good TV-show among other good TV-shows but will eventually wind up in decay like other good TV-shows will. In one more season it will be more boring to watch then the new episode of Prison Break. Maybe it will generate the same cult status and devotion with viewers they will keep watching and it survives 2 seasons more. I hope so since this quiche of TV-shows is the most entertaining and relaxing show i've seen this year...
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